In this life I lead as a mother, wife and homemaker, I experience what feels like the highest epitome of happiness mixed sometimes simultaneously with the highest epitome of capital H-A-R-D.
The moments overlap and spin circles. Unannounced and unpredictable, they share custody some days or take over weeks like time share. For example, yesterday I sat nursing my newborn while my older boys played with toys at my feet: epitome of happiness. But then just 10 hours later, I struggled with bedding down a toddler and a two-year-old and a newborn and the simple need for my own sleep almost pushed me to tears.
I didn't cry though. Nope. Not a tear. My skin is way thicker since I began making babies. And this is a good thing. I can face a day on 4 hours sleep with a smile and a cup of coffee.
So I embrace this domestic life. I embrace it because in it's highs and lows I've known a beauty like none other.
P.S. We're one week down with baby Simeon and he definitely is the golden 3rd child. He sleeps and nurses and has fit more seamlessly into our lives than either of his brothers did upon their arrivals. Thanks be to God.