Monday, August 18, 2008

A Second in Art and Angst

What the flip (as Chip would say)?!!

So I was on Netflix recently and discovered there's been a documentary made about the band Danielson Famile.

Odd, annoying thing is that the Danielson Famile is really the Smith family. Mine and theirs were childhood mates. Our parents played Kumbya around the campfire back in the day. (I'll admit I'm name dropping but not in a "Carson Daly called me on the phone" kinda way.)

As I was watching the movie, it dawned on me: Megan Smith travelled the world singing and dancing and I moved to Pennsyltucky and made babies with a foot doctor. And that's life. I'll admit, I'm jealous. I am. But just a little. Cause I love the life I lead. Wouldn't trade it for the world. But if I could have a little stardom in Barcelona in addition to my precious domesticity, I wouldn't mind. Come on, Megan. Not fair.

I think their music is totally weird and at times horribly grating and at times very beautiful. I like it though and I believe they made art in every sense of the word. I don't know if they're still together. I guess I could search for a website.

Just did (I pasted it below). So check them out. Or at least watch the movie instantly on Netflix (also below). Especially, if you're one of my siblings and want to be jealous along with me (think about it: our moms made the same hippie homemade bread and wove baskets and crap and the Smiths went and made a cool band and what did we ever do, Jesse, Jenny, Andy, Mary and Tonya???!!! -- huh?! -- order takeout? Have a party when mom and dad were in Hawaii? Go camping??!! LAME!! I tell you!! LAME!! We did our hippie heritage wrong.

I guess I shouldn't moan too much as we still have time. Got that? My house. This Saturday. 2 pm. Bring your tin cans and spoons. Your penny whistles and banjos. We'll set the porch on fire.

On another note in regard to art (I'm done with the angst), I've been reading the second book in Anne Rice's trilogy on Christ. It's excellent. I loved the first one too. She depicts Jesus in his tender humanity while preserving his innocence. I might write more about it when I'm done. In the meantime, read up and give me a call as I'm dying to have someone to talk it over with.

Here's the linkage:

Danielson Movie


Christ the Lord: Out of Nazareth and The Road to Cana by Anne Rice


Abigail said...

John and I watched that documentary several months ago, and I thought of you as we watched. I remember when you found out that John really liked Danielson Famile, and you casually said, "Yeah, I grew up with them. Their music's kind of strange."

My mom wasn't a hippie, and I didn't chum around with the Smiths when I was a kid, but I wouldn't mind a slice of that Barcelona, either.

Hey, let me borrow those books when you're done with them, and we'll return them to you along with the Decalogue when we're eighty.

Abigail said...

Who's Chip?
Seriously, I'm wondering.

Sarah said...

Chip is Napoleon's cousin.

I think. I'm pretty sure they were cousins.

Oh good, you'll read the books. I own the first one. I'll give it to you the next time we're playing in your kitchen sink.

Cherie said...

You know some, um, interesting folk.

Funny, you and Pete are our Interesting Folk. ;)

We miss you guys!

Mrs Slaboda said...

Hey Sarah- Megan (smith) here...You give us to much credit! It's all Dans fault! I guess because I did it it doesn't seem as romantic- in a car all day, drinking free beer, sleeping on a strangers floor and maybe driving by something cool to look at. Hey I am now moving from Brooklyn to Harrisburg! And now I am married and have a kid- married to a minister! ahhhh. I still can't get over that. Hey, and you have a cool family too! Camping is fun!